Learn how to build effective teams

Any company or department wants their team to be excellent and harmonious in order to produce exceptional business results. But how do you put together an effective team? Continue reading the article below.

1. What exactly is an effective team?

Building teamwork skills
What do businesses need to do for employees to develop teamwork skills? Source: Insead.edu

Effective teams bring people with complementary skills and knowledge together to work toward a common goal. And, in order to form an effective working group, businesses must consider the following factors:

  • Clear purpose – Team members must clearly understand and strive to achieve the set goals, while also being aware of the work to be done and its significance. Furthermore, performance objectives must be challenging and goal-oriented. Each team member has a specific mission and is linked to the others in the work and goal chain.
  • Empowerment – A high-performance team must be constantly energized by updating business situations and policies in order to promote members’ abilities. Furthermore, the group is always given specific permissions to make decisions at work, as well as issues concerning common goals. Furthermore, the department always organizes training, guidance, and support for all members in order to improve their ability to advance. 
  • Effective communicationThe group leader recognizes and considers the members’ contributions and ideas. In order to solve problems together, all members must be able to listen to and accept each other’s ideas. They should be trained in conflict resolution and mediation, as well as effective communication skills. Furthermore, each team member must respect the culture, lifestyle, and age of each individual, as well as care for one another.
  • Flexibility Building a successful and effective team necessitates work flexibility such as support, responsibility sharing, and guidance for new members. Furthermore, each member has the ability to adapt to change and solve problems quickly. Instead of giving up and blaming, they always see mistakes as opportunities to grow.
  • Optimizing output efficiency – Productive teams consistently produce excellent work and never miss deadlines. At the same time, the team works hard to deliver results that exceed expectations; they also have the ability to solve problems and make decisions quickly. At the same time, they maintain a cooperative attitude with other departments in order to provide the highest quality of work.
  • Acknowledged for achievements Team leaders recognize their team members for their accomplishments. Furthermore, all team members have no rivalry and instead appreciate their teammates. They will also have bonding activities to celebrate the group’s success.

2. Steps to take when forming a working group

Building teamwork skills
Stages of building teamwork skills for employees. Source: Insead.edu

There are numerous types of team building, but in general, there are four stages to consider:

  • InitializationBecause the members may not have demonstrated their full potential, the leader or leaders should allow each member to demonstrate their leadership abilities. Remember that this stage will not produce immediate results; it will require time.
  • Breakthrough and disagreement – ​​At this point, the team leader or leader must direct the members to focus on the common goal, as they have only recently joined to work together and are still unfamiliar with new tasks. As a result, senior leaders must confront their arguments and arguments. However, as a result of this, they will have the opportunity to collide and eventually cooperate.
  • In the stable stage – After a while, the members became accustomed to each other’s personalities and better understood each other’s working methods. This reduces conflict, and they tend to focus on work and problem solving. At the leader level, the team leader can motivate them by assigning more difficult tasks in order to boost team spirit.
  • Completing an effective teamOver time, all members realized their teammates’ strengths and quickly grasped the goals and tasks. They were open, trusting, and supportive at this point, and instead of dismissing, they made a point of contributing. At the same time, members will be flexible in making decisions about ideas and tasks, while also accepting responsibility for the results. This is the point at which your team-building efforts will bear fruit.

The information on how to build an effective team that you need to know in the management process is provided above. As a leader and superior, you must patiently observe and act with a plan through the stages in order to have such a team. Leaders must integrate the team’s workflow so that they can collide to solve problems together, better understanding and supporting teammates.