
Building a recruitment process for enterprises

A professional recruitment process will bring many benefits to a business and specialized departments. But many growing businesses don’t know where to start off, therefore, this article is made to explain the most basic hiring process to help improve work efficiency.

1. Screening stage

professional recruitment process
The screening phase is extremely important in the recruitment process. Source: thetech.org

“The first step is the hardest” is a well-known saying when it comes to building any corporate governance process, and for the recruitment department, it is a huge challenge. Because if the initial recruitment stage is not proper and professional enough, it will be difficult to attract and hunt talent.

Therefore, the first step that recruiters need to take is to carefully prepare at the stage of selecting and screening candidates with the following steps:

1.1 Clear recruitment plan

If the department needs to acquire or recruit new personnel, it is necessary to have a clear job description, and the acquiring department also needs to understand the requirements.

Once the recruitment needs are clear, it is time for the specialist department to recruitment plan, which includes recruitment time, channel selection, a target number of applications (CV), and other indicators as needed.

1.2 Select recruitment channel

Following the completion of the company’s internal recruitment process, the specialist department’s next task is to identify partners, available and external communication channels through which candidates can be easily reached. Because choosing low-quality and untrustworthy recruitment channels can result in a waste of budget, time, and resources.

Therefore, the recruitment department needs to find highly-rated channels with specific job posting requirements that will smoothly lure more talents. Priority channels that businesses should focus on include:

  • Company website
  • Social Network
  • Recruitment Forum
  • Groups.
  • Press channel

1.3 Screening Applications:

After carefully preparing content and recruitment channels, the recruiters will have to screen the candidate’s profile (screen cv). In this step, there are many documents in the employer’s mailbox, and the specialist department must screen them based on the requirements to invite for an interview in the next stage..

2. Interview stage

extremely important in the recruitment process
The screening phase is extremely important in the recruitment process. Source: thetech.org

After going through 3 steps of receiving requests, selecting channels, and screening applications,  recruiters will have to call and send invitations to valid applicants.

At this stage, the recruitment department should follow the following process:

  • Sending filtered resumes to the requesting department, and they are responsible for responding to the selection of candidates, in accordance with the time to interview.
  • After receiving feedback, the specialized department will contact the candidates by phone and email to invite them to interview.
  • In this step, the employer must prepare clear and coherent questions related to the expertise, as well as the required skills.
  • In addition, employers can design a test (some specific industries) to judge candidates’ capabilities. 
  • Next, recruiters and requesting departments will sit together to evaluate applicants to see whether they have met the requirements, as well as prepare for further steps.

Note that during the interview, employers should clearly negotiate salary and benefits with candidates to avoid confusion.

3. Final decisions phase

recruitment process
What does the interviewing stage need to do to achieve the desired effect? Source: thetech.org

After rigorous recruitment and evaluation steps, the employer will make a decision on which candidate should be selected for the required position. And this is an important step because if the process is too slow, talents are easily lured by competitive businesses with benefits and bonuses.

Therefore, businesses need to make decisions within the given time and ensure to show candidates:

  • Be clear about salary and benefits during probation – This is a prerequisite because then candidates will see clarity, transparency of the enterprise and will have more sympathy for the business.
  • Clear career path – Along with that, employers also need to show candidates their promotion process. This is a motivation for the candidate to work harder.
  • Post-trial benefits – Employers must also be clear about the candidate’s salary and benefits after the probationary period from the very beginning so that the candidate acknowledges the business’s professionalism, as well as decide whether to accept the offer or not. Thus, if they refuse, the business will not need to spend time preparing everything again, instead, there will be a contingency plan.

With a professional recruitment process, businesses will build a competitive position to attract talent, while also saving costs and time.

In the next section, we will continue to explore more aspects of human resource management to help businesses see what gaps are occurring internally with the BEMO – HRM module including:

  • BEMO personnel information management
  • BEMO manages attendance
  • BEMO calculates salary
  • BEMO training and developing human resources