How efficient is the art of distributing tasks?

Assigning work to employees is an art and one of the factors that contribute to a company’s growth. However, not every level of management is capable of assigning the right job to the right person, resulting in poor performance. This article will teach managers how to assign tasks to employees in an appropriate and effective manner.

1. Mistakes when distributing tasks to employees from the management level

Assigning work to employees
Assigning work to employees is also an art that businesses should learn. Source:

When taking on the role of manager, it is necessary for personnel to have the ability to lead employees. However, many managers make the error of delegating tasks to subordinates, which significantly reduces performance. This error occurred as a result of:

  • Superiors hold too much work on themselves: This frequently occurs when managers are overconfident in their ability to “weigh” everything. In this case, the manager lacks a broad perspective and has little faith in his subordinates. This will result in a schism between managers and employees, as well as a team devoid of talent because it cannot interact with the actual work.
  • Only assign work to long-term employees: The strategy of assigning work to experienced ex-workers is not incorrect because they can complete the task more quickly and efficiently. However, this action prevents new employees from demonstrating their abilities, wasting resources. No one can guarantee that long-term employees will not leave the company, and that newcomers will not be replaced in time because they lack experience.
  • Poor skills in distributing tasks to employees: The management level makes the mistake of assigning the wrong person to the right job. Giving unclear and changeable instructions, as well as assigning tasks that are not capable or beyond the capacity of employees, are all reasons why management assigns work ineffectively.

2. The art of effectively distributing tasks

The art of assigning work to employees
The art of assigning work to employees most effectively. Source:

Managers should assign tasks in the following ways to avoid affecting work output:

  • Assigning tasks to the appropriate capacity: As a talented manager, you must understand the capabilities of current employees in order to assign the appropriate jobs, assist them in promoting their strengths, and gain experience. Employees will stay longer if appropriate tasks are assigned to them because they see the value they bring to the company.
  • Clear work, specific deadlines: A manager who wants his or her employees to respect him or her must know how to clearly divide work and set specific time limits. Employees will discover that managers are skilled at organizing and working scientifically, which will motivate them to work more productively. Furthermore, management should proactively confirm whether employees fully understand the assigned work, ensuring that the results are as expected.
  • Building relationships with subordinates: Subordinates are effective partners as well as colleagues in assisting managers in resolving workplace problems. Managers should build relationships with employees by asking about work on a regular basis, hosting parties to increase cohesion, and organizing group activities. Employees will feel more connected to the company and will devote themselves wholeheartedly as a result.
  • Do not give orders, but join with employees: Managers, despite being in a higher position than employees, should not issue orders forcing subordinates to work. This will have an impact on productivity, leaving employees feeling resistant. As a result, the management level must act as a companion and support staff to complete the task. This is the quickest way to bridge the gap between superiors and employees and better understand one another. Employees will also abandon their “boss obsession” and devote themselves to it.
  • Showing the role of a manager: To inspire employees to respect and take their work seriously, management must play the role of “leader” in a variety of ways, beginning with the smallest actions. Furthermore, the manager must be goal-oriented, monitor progress, and evaluate employee work to motivate them to strive.

Managers can skillfully and appropriately apply the art of assigning work to employees mentioned in the article to their organizations. Superiors must demonstrate flexible leadership and handling to employees, along with supporting technology platforms, to increase efficiency. Please continue to follow BEMO to stay up to date on many useful management topics.